Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Almost there!

I filmed today and it came out awesome, we went to the back of a movie theater near my house which has a creepy ally way and filmed there. My actors got super into it and we made a pretty cool stunt. We also found this blood looking stain on the floor and I took advantage of it. I made one of my actors go on the floor and act dead (it was kind gross but hey it worked).
I decided im going to make one of my trailers a teaser trailer which is gonna be slower paced so the audience meets the characters and the other trailer will be fast paced and shorter. I really want to focus on the characters in my teaser trailer so thats why is going to be more detailed and also to show technique, mise-and-scene and composition. 
I searched up teaser trailers and I like the way they tell you something but nothing, however mine is going to be detailed. I saw the dead pool trailer and it was him just changing in a phone booth which was funny but I feel like it was too long. thats why mine are going to give some info and keep the audience engaged with the visuals . 

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