I found this awesome youtube account called Film Riot and here, Ryan Connolly gives you tips and tricks in order to make your production better. In the video How to shoot a fight scene Ryan shows an example of an action short film he did and he goes thru the steps showing you how he filmed it. I found this very useful because I want to have a short fight scene in my trailer (lets hope my actors don't actually beat each other up). Also Ryan has videos on how to improvise with props, editing software reviews, filming techniques and ideas and much more that I've found super helpful.
In one of the videos, How to Make a Trailer, Ryan demonstrates how he created a trailer for one of his short films and I found it interesting that he first chose the soundtrack and then built his trailer off of it. I started looking for royalty free tracks I could use for my trailers and luckily I found a few that I liked. Im a bit nervous on how the ambience sound, voiceover, sound effects, and soundtrack are all going to come out (sound is my weakness) but hopefully it will sound "professional"!
I went on websites like purple planet and Freeplay to look for the tracks and I really liked parts of some so Im thinking of mashing them up into one. After all real trailers have different songs according to the scenes.
Film Riot vids and Royalty free websites:
Filmriot. "Realistic Guns for Cheap!" YouTube. YouTube, 21 Nov. 2014.
Filmriot. "How to Make a Trailer!" YouTube. YouTube, 12 Mar. 2015.
Filmriot. "How to Shoot a Fight Scene." YouTube. YouTube, 02 June 2016.
"P u r p l e p l a n e t." Rock - Purple Planet Royalty Free Music. N.p.
Freeplay Music | Welcome | The best music library on the planet! N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Mar. 2017.
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